Chuzhou JWELL · Npau suav Loj thiab Teem Caij Nkoj, Peb ntiav cov txuj ci

nrhiav neeg ua haujlwm

Recruitment positions


Kev muag khoom txawv teb chaws
Number of Recruitment: 8
Recruitment Requirements:
1. Kawm tiav los ntawm majors xws li machinery, hluav taws xob engineering, lus Askiv, Lavxias teb sab, Spanish, Arabic, thiab lwm yam, nrog rau cov hom phiaj thiab ambitions, thiab twv koj tus kheej;
2. Muaj kev sib txuas lus zoo, kev cia siab thiab lub neej zoo, kev mloog zoo, hais lus, nyeem ntawv thiab sau cov lus uas muaj feem xyuam, muaj peev xwm tiv taus kev nyuaj siab, mus ncig, thiab ua raws li cov tuam txhab npaj;
3. Paub txog cov khoom siv thiab cov txheej txheem tsim khoom, cov khoom siv khoom siv hluav taws xob cuam tshuam los yog kev ua haujlwm tau zoo dua.


Mechanical Design
Tus naj npawb ntawm txoj haujlwm: 3
Recruitment Requirements:
1. College degree los yog siab dua, kawm tiav los ntawm mechanical ntsig txog majors;
2. Muaj peev xwm siv kev kos duab software xws li AutoCAD, SolidWorks, thiab paub txog kev ua haujlwm nrog software;
3. Kev qhuab qhia tus kheej muaj zog thiab kev kawm ntawm tus kheej, kev paub txog kev kos duab zoo thiab kev txawj kos duab, muaj lub luag haujlwm zoo thiab lub hom phiaj, thiab muaj peev xwm ua haujlwm rau lub tuam txhab ntev.


Hluav taws xob tsim
Number of recruits: 3
Recruitment Requirements:
1. Kawm tiav tsev kawm qib siab lossis siab dua, kawm tiav los ntawm hluav taws xob ntsig txog majors;
2. Muaj kev paub txog hluav taws xob engineering, muaj peev xwm xaiv cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, paub txog ntau yam kev tswj hluav taws xob, nkag siab txog Delta, ABB inverters, Siemens PLC, kov cov ntxaij vab tshaus, thiab lwm yam; tswv PLC programming thiab tswj thiab parameter debugging ntawm nquag siv inverters thiab servo motors;
3. Muaj peev xwm kawm tau zoo thiab muaj lub siab xav, muaj lub luag haujlwm zoo thiab tuaj yeem ua haujlwm rau lub tuam txhab ruaj khov rau lub sijhawm ntev.


Debugging Engineer

Tus naj npawb ntawm recruits: 5
Lub luag haujlwm:
1. Ua haujlwm txhua hnub tom qab kev muag khoom ua haujlwm ntawm cov txheej txheem ntawm lub tuam txhab cov khoom, suav nrog kev daws cov neeg siv khoom tsis txaus ntseeg thiab teeb meem hauv cov khoom siv ntawm qhov chaw, muab kev cob qhia kev cob qhia rau cov neeg siv khoom, thiab tswj cov cuab yeej ntawm cov neeg siv khoom qub;
2. Cov kev sib txuas lus zoo, pab lub tuam txhab nrhiav kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom siv hauv qhov project, nkag siab raws sijhawm thiab tau txais cov ntaub ntawv tawm tswv yim rau cov neeg siv khoom, muab kev txhawb nqa kev muag khoom tom qab muag, thiab tawm tswv yim sai thiab ua cov lus qhia tsim nyog rau cov teeb meem pom;
3. Tsim thiab tswj kev sib raug zoo ntawm cov neeg siv khoom, koom nrog thiab siv cov phiaj xwm kev pabcuam rau cov neeg siv khoom.


Mechanical Assembly
Tus naj npawb ntawm recruits: 5
Lub luag haujlwm:
1. Cov kawm tiav ntawm kev tsim khoom siv tshuab, mechatronics thiab lwm yam kev kawm loj yog nyiam;
2. Cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm nyeem tau qee yam thiab cuam tshuam cov khoom siv yas extrusion mechanical los ua ke yog nyiam.


Hluav taws xob sib dhos
Tus naj npawb ntawm recruits: 5
Lub luag haujlwm:
1. Cov kawm tiav ntawm hluav taws xob automation, mechatronics thiab lwm yam majors yog nyiam;
2. Cov neeg uas muaj peev xwm nyeem tau qee yam, nkag siab txog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, thiab muaj cov khoom siv yas extrusion cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sib txuas tau zoo dua.

Tuam txhab Taw Qhia

Tuam txhab Taw Qhia

Jwell Machinery yog tus lwm thawj chav tsev ntawm Tuam Tshoj Plastics Machinery Industry Association. Nws yog cov chaw tsim khoom ntawm cov tshuab yas thiab cov tshuaj fiber ntau ua tiav cov khoom cog hauv Suav teb. Tam sim no nws muaj yim lub chaw tsim khoom loj hauv Shanghai, Suzhou Taicang, Changzhou Liyang, Guangdong Foshan, Zhejiang Zhoushan, Zhejiang Haining, Anhui Chuzhou, thiab Thaib teb Bangkok. Nws muaj ntau tshaj 10 lub chaw ua haujlwm txawv teb chaws thiab nws cov khoom raug muag rau ntau tshaj 100 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam. "Kev ua siab ncaj rau lwm tus" yog peb lub tswv yim tseem ceeb rau kev tsim lub xyoo pua Jwell, "kev mob siab rau, kev ua haujlwm nyuaj thiab kev tsim kho tshiab" yog peb lub koom haum ua haujlwm tsis tu ncua, thiab "zoo heev thiab zoo sib xws" yog peb txoj cai zoo thiab kev coj ua ntawm txhua tus. cov neeg ua haujlwm kev siv zog.

Anhui Jwell Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (Anhui Chuzhou Factory) yog lwm qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev tsim kho lub hauv paus ntawm Jwell Machinery. Nws npog thaj tsam ntawm 335 daim av thiab nyob hauv National Economic thiab Technological Development Zone ntawm Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. Peb zoo siab txais tos cov tub ntxhais hluas nrog cov tswv yim ywj pheej thiab kev ua siab zoo, tag nrho ntawm kev sib koom siab thiab kev koom tes, thiab twv kom tsim kho tshiab los koom nrog peb pab neeg.

JWELL Machinery
JWELL Machinery Factory

Tuam txhab Environment

Tuam txhab Environment

Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm tuam txhab

1. Kev ua haujlwm ntev hnub ua haujlwm, kev pabcuam pub dawb thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm, 26 yuan ib hnub pub zaub mov, kom cov neeg ua haujlwm noj mov thaum ua haujlwm.
2. Kev ua koob tsheej tshoob, kev zoo siab yug me nyuam, kev zoo siab rau menyuam yaus hauv tsev kawm qib siab, khoom plig hnub yug rau cov neeg ua haujlwm, cov nyiaj laus laus, kev kuaj lub cev xyoo tas los thiab lwm yam txiaj ntsig koom nrog kev loj hlob ntawm txhua tus neeg JWELL, pab cov neeg ua haujlwm tau txais kev zoo siab!
3. Hnub Ua Haujlwm, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Caij nplooj ntoos hlav Festival thiab lwm yam kev cai lij choj cov nyiaj so koobtsheej tsis ploj, lub tuam txhab thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm xav tias qhov kov thiab sov so ntawm lub koob tsheej ua ke!
4. Kev ntsuam xyuas txoj haujlwm, kev xaiv cov neeg ua haujlwm siab tshaj txhua xyoo, khoom plig. Cia txhua tus neeg JWELL qhov kev siv zog thiab kev koom tes tau lees paub thiab tau txais txiaj ntsig.

Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm tuam txhab

Txuj ci kev cog qoob loo

Kev Kawm thiab Kev Txhim Kho Peb pab koj

JWELL Machinery Talent Program - JWELL muab kev ua si tag nrho rau nws cov txiaj ntsig thev naus laus zis thiab tsom mus rau kev cog qoob loo cov txuj ci hauv kev lag luam extrusion! Cov kws tshaj lij kev lag luam muab kev cob qhia ua haujlwm rau cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv tshiab ua haujlwm hauv tsev kawm qib siab, tsim kom muaj kev txhim kho kev ua haujlwm zoo, thiab txhawb nqa lub peev xwm ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas kom pab lawv loj hlob sai!

Txuj ci kev cog qoob loo

Txhua tus neeg JWLL txais tos koj tuaj koom nrog peb

Yog tias koj nyiam ua haujlwm thiab muaj tswv yim tshiab

Yog koj hlub lub neej thiab vam txog yav tom ntej

Ces koj yog tus peb tab tom nrhiav!

Nqa lub xov tooj thiab hu rau cov neeg hauv qab no!

Liu Chunhua Regional Tus Thawj Coj: 18751216188 Cao Mingchun
HR Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas: 13585188144 (WeChat ID)
Cha Xiwen HR Specialist: 13355502475 (WeChat ID)
Resume delivery email:
Qhov chaw ua haujlwm nyob hauv Chuzhou, Anhui!
(No. 218, Tongling West Road, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province)

JWELL Recruitment

Post lub sij hawm: Nov-25-2024